Helping companies to interview Java Developers for Backend roles

Do you need to hire Java Backend Software Engineers, but your in-house Java Developers don’t have the time to do the screening or technical interview?

I have conducted hundreds of technical interviews during my two decades career.

The process

Screening Java developers consist of a one-to-one personalized Google Meeting interview for up to one hour.

  • Up to 5 minutes for the introduction.
  • Up to 10-15 minutes to discuss the candidate’s current, or recent projects upon which I’ll expand during the interview.
  • Around 40 minutes for the technical screening.
  • An optional Programming exercise follow-up.

What I ask in the technical interview

  • I ask candidates technical questions about Java and its surrounding ecosystem such as Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring Security, Concurrency, RESTful APIs, SOAP, JPA, Hibernate, SQL.
  • I ask some questions about OOP and Design Patterns.
  • I ask candidates performance troubleshooting questions.
  • I also expand on the candidate’s involvement with their current, or past projects.

Programming exercise after the technical interview

This is an optional follow-up to the technical interview, depending on each client’s needs.
It could be an assignment to fix a Spring Boot web application I provide, expand its functionality, and discuss the approach in a code review session.

What I don’t ask

I don’t ask candidates to solve coding quizzes, or puzzles, either in an online, screen-sharing editor or on a whiteboard.
I also don’t ask candidates to write data structures like Queue, Stack, etc.
They don’t represent an accurate proficiency level when implementing Java Enterprise Applications.

Each interview starts from $150.

Any question or concern?

Fill out my online form.